151 Lake Place South
Danbury, CT 06810
ph: (203) 794-1474
Recruiting is, at its most basic, matchmaking. Many companies don't have the time or internal resources to find people who have the kind of expertise that they need in their IT departments. We service companies that have these challenges, and find people who can fill their needs.
We are playing the supply and demand game. Conversely, we can have relationships with excellent individuals, seeking career moves, and we search out companies that could use them. Either way, if we make the match and the company hires the person we present, we get paid.
We work on “contingency basis,” which means that we only get paid once a successful hire is made. So, at its core, this is a people job. There is a lot to know about IT, too, but it all comes down to being good with people. The majority of our time is spent identifying people to network with.
Our industry is based on commissions paid for results. We have done our best to create an environment and provide the tools that allow our recruiters to focus on the most productive tasks that facilitate positive results.
We have done our best to create a sense of fairness within the company. We strive to create a structure that not only incentivizes productivity but also growth – the more responsibility you take on, the more potential you’ll have to make money. Ultimately, it’s up to you.
If you would like to work for a company that truly values its employees and you are willing to work hard to be successful, we would like to learn about you!
Please fill out the form below and send your resume to info@dmbassociates.net.
Copyright 2014 DMB Staffing. All rights reserved.
151 Lake Place South
Danbury, CT 06810
ph: (203) 794-1474